Our Mission
The Nebraska Hemp Industries Association works to create and increase opportunities for Nebraska hemp farmers, processors, manufacturers, and retailers through advocacy, education, partnerships, and leadership development. Advancing the hemp economy and educating the market for the benefit of our members, the public, and the planet.
The NEHIA and NEHIA Members:
Educate the public about the exceptional attributes of hemp products.
Facilitate the exchange of information and technology between hemp agriculturists, processors, manufacturers, distributors and retailers.
Maintain and defend the integrity of hemp products.
Advocate and support socially responsible and environmentally sound business practices.
Members of the NEHIA support ethical business practices, including accuracy in labeling, use of environmentally friendly technologies, sustainable and organic agriculture, high quality products and concern for human rights. It is the intention of the NEHIA to take all necessary steps to assure consumer confidence in hemp products. An NEHIA Member company agrees to the Association's standards. Display of the NEHIA Membership insignia in business promotion and advertising is a mark of prestige.
Our Firm Beliefs
"America is a Nation with a mission - and that mission comes from our most basic beliefs. We have no desire to dominate, no ambitions of empire. Our aim is peace - a peace founded upon the dignity and rights of every man and woman.”
Strength in Numbers
The NEHIA wants to make your experience in the hemp industry as profitable and problem-free as possible. Each new business that joins also increases the HIA's ability to work on behalf of the industry as a whole and to act on behalf of its individual members. Because of the support from our membership, we have been able to fund other value-added services.
Experience You Can Trust
You're in good company with the NEHIA. As a voting member, you can be confident that your voice will be heard. NEHIA members actively engage in the importation, manufacture, research and promotion of industrial hemp and hemp products. They have practical experience handling the day-to-day details of running a business and understand your concerns and needs.